Please find our recent press releases below.
Thomas Skadal
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) | +47 905 08 216
Press releases
- Bergene Holm and Biozin to study biofuel project with Equinor
- Biozin project halted – considering alternatives
- Brussels: Funding from the EU Innovation Fund formalized in an Official Signing Ceremony
- ENOVA grants support to Biozin
- CINEA awards Biozin Innovation Fund grant
- Shell and Bergene Holm enter into a more comprehensive contribution agreement with Biozin in Norway
- Biozin Holding AS receives Shell support for a bio-oil project in Amli, Norway
- Innovation Norway supports Biozin Holding with NOK 30 million to develop bio-crude oil from Norwegian forests
- Cooperation agreement on the production of biofuel